Who are Rabetah Al Ulama
Rabetah Al-Ulama Al-Islamiyyah (Institute of Islamic Scholars) is an organisation established in 1980 comprising of some two hundred scholars who graduated from various renowned Islamic Universities throughout the world.
It was established in the early 80′s under the patronage of the well-renowned scholar and mentor of Muslims throughout the world; Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Motala Saheb.

Scholar Fund
Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, scholars/teachers across India have been struggling due to Darul-Uloom / Makaatib being closed. Many of these scholars are facing financial hardship due to having no income.
There are many who are from Ahlul Bayt and are suffering financially, how can we as being part of prophet Ummah leave them in such a state – Rabetah have a network who are able to identify legitimate members and ascertain their financial standing.

Ahlul Bayt Fund
Ahlul Bayt Fund – Gift-Lillah Donations only One day Rasulullah (Peace be upon him) stood up to deliver a sermon. In it he reminded the ummah repeating three times: “I remind you